Everyone knows that the sum of the angles of a triangle formed by three lines in the plane is 180 ◦ , but is this still true for curvilinear triangles formed by the arcs of three circles in the plane? We invite the reader to experiment enough to see that the angle sum indeed depends on the triangle, and that no general pattern is obvious. We give a complete analysis of the situation, showing along the way, we hope, what insights can be gained by approaching the problem from several points of view and at several levels of abstraction. We begin with an elementary solution using only the most basic concepts of Euclidean geometry. While it is direct and very short, this solution is not complete, since it works only in a special case. The key to another special case turns out to be a model of hyperbolic geometry, leading us to suspect that the various manifestations of the problem lie on a continuum of models of geometries with varying curvature. This larger geometric framework reveals many beautiful unifying themes and provides a single method of proof that completely solves the original problem. Finally, we describe a very simple formulation of the solution, whose proof relies on transformations of the plane, a fitting ending we think, since a transformation may be regarded as a change in one’s point of view. The background developed earlier informs our understanding of this new perspective, and allows us to give a purely geometric description of the transformations needed. For the reader who is unfamiliar with the classical noneuclidean geometries, in which the notions of line and distance are given new interpretations, we provide an overview that is almost entirely self-contained. Such a reader will be introduced to such things as angle excess, stereographic projection, and even a sphere of imaginary radius. For the reader who is familiar with the three classical geometries, we offer some new ways of looking at them, which we are confident will reveal some surprises.
H. Coxeter,et al.
Geometry Revisited by H.S.M. Coxeter
B. O'neill.
Semi-Riemannian Geometry With Applications to Relativity
Marvin J. Greenberg,et al.
Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries
B. Dubrovin,et al.
Modern geometry--methods and applications
Sergei Petrovich Novikov,et al.
The geometry of surfaces, transformation groups, and fields
James E. pLebensohn.
Geometry and the Imagination
Edwin E. Moise,et al.
Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint
J. Mccleary,et al.
Geometry from a Differentiable Viewpoint: Recapitulation and coda