In-pit conveyors and crushers cut surface mining costs

This article discusses the increased interest in in-pit conveyors and equipment to enhance the production abilities of the main stripping tools--the draglines and the shovels. The advantages and limitations of various upper-overburden removal methods, including scrapers, bucket wheel excavators and conveyors, shovel trucks, shovel-hoppers and conveyors, draglines and draglinehoppers and conveyors are compared. Also discussed is the field experience of a cross-pit conveyor (CPC) in the Texas lignite fields. The CPC working with a set of bucket wheel excavators and a dragline, feeds excavated overburden on conveyors directly across the pit via a cantileveered boom with a reach of 550 to 700 ft from centerline of base to centerline of discharge-pulley shaft. Advantages of using a CPC are: less capital intensive; more mobile; reduced exposed mine area; much shorter total length of conveying units; fewer operating and maintenance persons needed; and better mechanical availability.