Phase coded pulse Doppler and continuous wave 77 GHz radar measurement and analysis facility

A new and unique millimetre wave radar capability is described. A coherent quasi-monostatic 77 GHz polarimetric short range phase coded pulse Doppler (PCPD) radar is integrated with a coherent monostatic 77 GHz co-polar continuous wave (CW) fast event radar data capture facility to provide unparalleled functionality in a single unit. The PCPD radar, originally designed for the short range radar measurement of vehicles travelling at velocities up to 200 m/s, is shown to offer significant additional benefits beyond original expectations. Results showing the complex Doppler from a rotating target and illustrating the PCPD system capabilities are presented. The CW radar, configured to measure objects travelling at velocities up to 2000 m/s, is also shown to be a useful asset. System verification tests and measurement results for Browning gun firings of spinning high velocity metallic spheres and cubes are discussed. Evidence has also been provided suggesting that the velocity of a small flat facetted projectile, fired from a Browning gun, can be estimated from radar measurements of spin rate given a priori knowledge of the rifling characteristics of the Browning gun.