Environmental Risk Analysis
Chapter 1: Introduction to Environmental Problems: Transport, Burial, Monitoring, Spillage, Leakage, and Cleanup. Chapter 2: Contracts and Decisions. Chapter 3: Transport and Burial Hazards of Radioactive Waste. Chapter 4: Utility Theory and Working-Interest Optimization in a Hazardous Waste Transport and Burial Opportunity. Chapter 5: Catastrophic Events, Insurance, and Unilateral Regulatory Changes. Chapter 6: Limiting Risk Using Fractional Working Interest. Chapter 7: Limiting Risk Within a Consortium and Foreign Government Projects. Chapter 8: Corporate Involvement in Multiple Environmental Projects. Chapter 9: Apportionment of Cost Overruns to Hazardous Waste Projects. Chapter 10: Bayesian Updating of Toxic Leakage Scenarios. Chapter 11: Multiple Transport to Hazardous Material: Probabilities of Profitability. Chapter 12: Maximizing Profit for a Toxic Waste Site Monitoring System. Chapter 13: Option Payments for Future Information. Chapter 14: The Worth of Resolving Uncertainty for Environmental Projects. Chapter 15: Scientific Uncertainty in Environmental Problems: Models and Data. Chapter 16: Human, Water, Chemical, Biological and Radioactive Risks.