Advanced-laser processing of photonic and microelectronic components at Photonics Research Ontario

Photonics Research Ontario (PRO) is an Ontario Provincial Center of Excellence supporting a broad range of laser- processing activities within its photonics program. These activities are centered at the University of Toronto, and split between an industrial-user facility and the individual research programs of principal investors. The combined effort furnishes forefront laser system and advanced optical tools to explore novel processing applications in photonic, biomedical, and microelectronic areas. Facilities include laser micromachining stations, excimer-based mask-projection stations, extremely short wavelength lasers such as the molecular fluorine laser, and ultrafast laser systems. The latter two advanced laser offer interesting advantages and contrast in processing 'difficult' materials through linear and nonlinear absorption processes, respectively. These laser systems provide fine precision and strong interaction with a wide range of materials, including 'transparent' glasses, and also ceramics and metals. Applications fall broadly into several areas: wafer-level circuit trimming, high-resolution ultrasonic transducers, and the shaping of optical waveguides and Bragg-gratings for photonic components. This paper summarizes the laser-processing infrastructure and research activities at PRO.