Voice coder and communication method using the same

PURPOSE: A communication vocoder and a communication method using the same are provided to reduce delay time generated in a tandem type vocoder and additional hardware. CONSTITUTION: An EVRC(Enhancement Variable Rate Codec) coding unit(110) codes a voice signal of PCM(Pulse Coded Modulation) format to a voice packet of EVRC format. An AMR(Adaptive Multi Rate) coding unit(210) codes the voice signal of PCM format to a voice packet of AMR format. An EVRC decoding unit(120) decodes the voice packet which has been coded to the EVRC format to a voice signal of PCM format. An AMR decoding unit(220) decodes the voice packet which has been coded to the AMR format to a voice signal of PCM format. An AMR decoding unit(130) decodes a voice packet of AMR format inputted to an EVRC vocoder. An EVRC decoding unit(230) decodes the voice packet of EVRC format inputted into an AMR vocoder. The EVRC vocoder and the AMR can additionally include G.729 decoding units(140,240) and G723 decoding units(150,250), respectively, in order to decode voice packets which have been coded in vocoders of different formats.