Nonexpansive Piecewise Constant Hybrid Systems are Conservative

Consider a partition of $R^n$ into finitely many polyhedral regions $D_i$ and associated drift vectors $\mu_i\in R^n$. We study ``hybrid'' dynamical systems whose trajectories have a constant drift, $\dot x=\mu_i$, whenever $x$ is in the interior of the $i$th region $D_i$, and behave consistently on the boundary between different regions. Our main result asserts that if such a system is nonexpansive (i.e., if the Euclidean distance between any pair of trajectories is a nonincreasing function of time), then the system must be conservative, i.e., its trajectories are the same as the trajectories of the negative subgradient flow associated with a potential function. Furthermore, this potential function is necessarily convex, and is linear on each of the regions $D_i$. We actually establish a more general version of this result, by making seemingly weaker assumptions on the dynamical system of interest.