Guest editorial: special issue on realising artificial intelligence synergies in software engineering
The aim of realising artificial intelligence synergies in software engineering (RAISE) workshop series is to bring together academics and industrial practitioners to exchange and discuss the latest innovative synergistic artificial intelligence (AI) and software engineering (SE) techniques and practices. Mutually beneficial characteristics have appeared in the past few decades and are still evolving due to new challenges and technological advances. Hence, the question that motivates and drives the RAISE Workshop series is: Are SE and AI researchers ignoring important insights from AI and SE?. To pursue this question, RAISE 2015, the fourth in the series, explored not only the application of AI techniques to SE problems but also the application of SE techniques to AI problems. During the workshop, Prof. John Mylopoulos, University of Toronto, provided an excellent example of such exploration in his keynote titled “Knowledge Representation for Requirements Engineering, and Requirements Engineering for Intelligent Systems”. In addition, seven contributions by the workshop