Proceedings of the 10th international workshop on Aspect-oriented modeling
Aspect-orientation is a rapidly advancing technology. New and powerful aspect-oriented programming techniques are presented at many international venues every year. However, it is not clear what features of such techniques are "common aspect-oriented concepts" and what features are rather language-specific specialties. Research in aspectoriented modeling has the potential to help find such common characteristics from a perspective that is at a more abstract level (i.e., programming language-independent).
The Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) Workshops bring together researchers and practitioners from two communities, aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) and software model engineering. The workshops provide a forum for presenting new ideas and discussing the state of research and practice in modeling various kinds of crosscutting concerns at different levels of abstraction. The goals of the workshops are to identify and discuss the impacts of aspect-oriented technologies on model engineering to provide aspect-oriented software developers with general modeling means to express aspects and their crosscutting relationships onto other software artifacts.