European forests and global change : the likely impacts of rising CO[2] and temperature
Preface 1. How can we study CO2 impacts on trees and forests? J.-Y. Pontailler, C. Barton, D. Durrant and M. Forstreuter 2. Biochemistry, physiology and biophysics of photosynthesis B. Besford, M. Mousseau and G. Scarascia-Mugnozza 3. Is dark respiration rate changed? M. Mousseau 4. Will tree foliage be larger and live longer? M. Murray and R. Ceulemans 5. Biomass, growth and carbon allocation H. Lee, D. Overdieck and P. Jarvis 6. Is water used more efficiently? G. Scarascia-Mugnozza and P. de Angelis 7. Do elevated CO2 concentrations and nutrients interact? S. Linder and M. Murray 8. Do the effects of temperature and CO2 interact? D. Overdieck, S. Kellomaki and K. Wang 9. What can we learn from microcosms? M. Forstreuter 10. Modelling leaf, tree and forest responses to increasing atmospheric CO2 and temperature A. Friend, S. Kellomaki and B. Kruijt 11. Perspectives for future research B. Saugier Annex I: refereed papers Annex II: abstracts, notes, reports and thesis Index.