Gravitational N-Body Simulations

Preface 1. The N-body problem 2. Predictor-corrector methods 3. Neighbour treatments 4. Two-body regularization 5. Multiple regularization 6. Tree codes 7. Program organization 8. Initial setup 9. Decision-making 10. Neighbour schemes 11. Two-body algorithms 12. Chain procedures 13. Accuracy and performance 14. Practical aspects 15. Star clusters 16. Galaxies 17. Planetary systems 18. Small-N experiments Appendix A. Global regularization algorithms Appendix B. Chain algorithms Appendix C. High-order systems Appendix D. Practical algorithms Appendix E. KS procedures with GRAPE Appendix F. Alternative simulation method Appendix G. Table of symbols Appendix H. Hermite integration method References Index.

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