The paper presents data on the distribution of Typha shuttleworthii W. D. J. Koch & Sond., a species previously not reported from Poland, and gives the diagnostic characters distinguishing T. shuttleworthii from T. latifolia L. Also discussed are the habitat requirements of the species, the plant communities in which it was observed, and its status in the fl ora of Poland. Plant perennial, up to 1.5 m high, robust. Leaves pale green, 0.5-1.0(-1.5) cm wide, as long as stem with infl orescences or slightly longer. Male and female parts of infl orescence contiguous. Female infl orescence 6-17(-20) cm long, brown when young and silvery grey with age, male in- fl orescence 4-9(-12) cm long and 1.5-4 times shorter than female infl orescence. Male fl owers with simple hairs, anthers (1.4-)1.5-2.2(-2.6) mm long. Female fl owers without scales, pistils as long