The Garden Project
Year Your project (Vegetable, Fruit, Flower, Tree, etc. write all that apply): Name 4-H Age Birth Date Year in project Name of club _______ Year in 4-H Signature of project leader For larger project add additional pages. A. What knowledge and/or skills do you hope to achieve during the project year? (4-H member states in their own words what goals they have for their project.) Juniors describe a minimum of 1 goal. Intermediates describe a minimum of 2 goals. Seniors describe a minimum of 3 goals. B. Who will assist you in gaining the knowledge and skills described in your goals? C. How will you acquire your project this year? D. When will you start your seeds? Will you start them inside or will you plant them directly in the garden? What is your fertilizing plan if any? E. Financial Agreement-(how to get the money needed). I plan to pay for my animal, feed, supplies, etc. in the following way. Write a short statement explaining the source for the project. Include interest rate to be used. (Will the member pay for expenses, barter or exchange work.)