Two Eras in Learning Theory: Implications for Cognitively Faithful Models of Language Acquisition and Change

Two Eras in Learning Theory: Implications for Cognitively Faithful Models of Language Acquisition and Change Partha Niyogi ( Department of Computer Science & Department of Statistics, 1100 E. 58th Street Hyde Park, Chicago, IL 60637 USA Robert C. Berwick ( Department of EECS and Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, 32D-728, 77 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139 USA Abstract accounts. We have now obtained statistics from the Penn- Helsinki corpus of Old and Middle English that permits esti- mation of historical parameter values. Specifically, we have analyzed the competition between two grammatical systems in Middle English, (one primarily verb-final (OV-type) and the other verb-initial (VO-type)). In this setting we assume two grammars with correspond- ing languages L 1 and L 2 . g 1 speakers produce expressions with probability P 1 over L 1 and g 2 speakers, probability P 2 over L 2 . Parameter a = P 1 (L 1 ∩ L 2 ) and b = P 2 (L 1 ∩ L 2 ). a and b are the probabilities with which speakers of pure g 1 and g 2 produce “ambiguous” expressions. If x t is the proportion of g 1 -type grammars in the tth generation, then: t x t+1 = (1−a)x t (1−a)x +(1−b)(1−x t ) . This has bifurcations as a − b con- tinuously changes. We estimate a and b at a single time point, using a − b to predict which grammatical type dominates in successive generations. However, given data from a mix- ture distribution P = xP 1 + (1 − x)P 2 , can we even estimate a and b? Yes: we collect data from the Penn-Helsinki corpus by sampling a few individuals at the same time point. This is nontrivial, because only surface forms of writers’ expres- sions are available; one cannot always uniquely decode un- derlying grammars. We overcome this by “tying” parameters in a novel way. Importantly, this new estimation procedure permits empirical tests of this class of models for language change using data from historical corpora for the first time, and again validates the need for a fullly population view of language acquisition, evolution, and change. We review recent advances towards more cognitively-faithful models of language acquisition and change that parallel con- ceptual shifts in computational learning theory, and how these new models can yield improved empirical accounts in actual corpus case studies of English historical language change. Introduction Formal approaches to language acquisition fall roughly into two historical periods. The first, dating from Gold to the mid 1980s, focused on language learning using recursive function theory techniques. The second, dating from Valiant’s PAC- learning model to this day, shifted the focus from effective to efficient computability, echoing computer science’s shift from computability to complexity theory. While these advances moved to more cognitively faithful assumptions — inexact learnability and learnability relative to sample size complex- ity — and provided useful insights, they retained a key cog- nitive limitation: a single target grammar/language. Over the last decade, a new class of learning models has been devel- oped (Niyogi & Berwick, 1997) explicitly embracing the cog- nitive reality that learners are situated in heterogeneous pop- ulations, with potentially many grammars. This viewpoint, “Social Learning,” embraces the more fully Darwinian pic- ture of variation across both parental and offspring genera- tions. However, if one restricts oneself instead to a narrower single parent–single learner setting, as in many simulation- based methods e.g., the “Iterated Learning” model of Kirby, Dowman, & Griffiths (2007), the resulting systems reduce to Markov chains. These frameworks cannot exhibit certain em- pirically observed phase transitions, which demand nonlinear dynamics. References Kirby, S., Dowman, M., & Griffiths, T. (2007). Innateness and culture in the evolution of language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 104, 5241-5245. Lightfoot, D. (1999). The development of language. Malden, MA: Blackwells Publishers. Niyogi, P. (2004). Phase transitions in language evolution. In L. Jenkins (Ed.), Variation and universals in biolinguistics. New York: Elsevier. Niyogi, P. (2006). The computational nature of language learning and evolution. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Niyogi, P., & Berwick, R. (1997). A dynamical systems model for language change. Journal of Complex Systems, New Results for Learnability Theories Importantly, modeling based on this shift to a more cognitively-faithful picture yields improved empirical predic- tions. First, historically attested phase-transitions in the evo- lution of English, as outlined in Lightfoot (1999), are better described. Furthermore, until now there have been no previ- ous studies that have actually estimated from historical cor- pora the parameters of the dynamical systems corresponding to such models, in order to verify whether the attested pat- terns of change are indeed those predicted by the theoretical