Based on Large SystemAnalysis
Powercontrol isafundamental taskaccomplished inanywireless cellular network; itsaimistosetthetransmit powerofanymobileterminal, sothateachuserisableto achieve itsowntarget SINR.Whileconventional powercontrol algorithms require knowledge ofa numberofparameters of thesignal ofinterest andofthemultiaccess interference, in thispaperitisshownthatinalarge CDMA system muchof this information canbedispensed with, andeffective distributed powercontrol algorithms maybeimplemented withverylittle information ontheuserofinterest. An uplink CDMA system subject toflat fading isconsidered withafocus onthecasesin whichalinear MMSE receiver andanon-linear MMSE serial interference cancellation receiver areadopted; forthelatter casenewformulas arealsogiven forthesystemSINRinthe large system asymptote. Experimental results showanexcellent agreement between theperformance andthepowerprofile ofthe proposed distributed algorithms andthatofconventional ones thatrequire muchgreater prior knowledge.
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