국내 유연탄의 발열량 추이 분석(2010∼2014년) 및 탄소배출계수 개발

Korea"s energy consumption has been constantly increasing. Final energy consumption was increased by an annual average of 2.9% compared to 2010. The consumption of all energy sources except for its oil was increased during the same time. While electric demand has increased coal consumption increased rapidly. Therefore, calorfic value and carbon emission factor development can improve the quality of Korea"s greenhouse gas inventory. Calorific value is the amount of heat generated while burning coal. Caloric value is one of the most important factors in the development of carbon emission factors. Calorific value is used as the basis for the analysis of the various energy statistics. This study has calculated the other bituminous coal and coking coal"s calorfic value by the data received from domestic coal-fired power plants and steel manufacturer. Calorofic value"s trend analysis period is the year of 2010∼2014. Through analyzing the carbon content it was calculated the carbon emission factor. The bituminous coal and coking coal"s uncertainty analysis was performed using a Monte Carlo simulation.