블로그의 수사적 표현 연구

Blog consists of image and writing mainly. Technological analysis about Blog is many. But, philological analysis of Blog is unsatisfactory. Image and writing of Blog are not detached linage and writing have an organic relation surname. 'This treatise wishes to clear image and literal relation which have organic relation in Blog. Writing have syntax, and movie has movie syntax. Blog that image and writing are combined has syntax too naturally. But, about Blog's grammar, there is seldom research that analyze. This research is beginning of research about Blog's grammar. Usually, linguistics classifies to morphology, syntax, semantics etc. and studies. But, this research classifies by formation of linage, context and rhetoric and study instead of disobey classification of general linguistics. Special quality of our language, see that these classification system is profitable. Specially, Blog text case, think that tins classification is more effective to analyze Blog. Study based on formation theory of Chinese character about image-building.