Case assignment by prepositions in Russian aphasia

case and morphological case The notion of case is rather complex. There are different types of cases and different classifications. A distinction is made between abstract case, which is a universal property denoting syntactic case, and morphological case, which is a realization of abstract case, and it refers to perceptible (visible or audible, and surface) case. According to Case theory, all languages have case systems; however, the degree of realization of abstract case within systems differs across languages. Abstract case can either be overtly detectable (visible or audible) and morphologically realized, or it can be virtually imperceptible and have only some remnant morphological forms (Haegeman, 1994). For example, in English, only pronouns have some visibly case-marked forms: he – nominative case; him – accusative/dative case. In Russian, however, abstract case is visible on all members of the nominal category, and it is realized either as a bound morpheme in nouns (see example 1, below), adjectives (see 2), and numerals (see 3), or it is reflected in the phonemic structure of words in pronouns (see 4, below): (1) kniga “book” nominative case knigu “book” accusative case LINGUISTIC BACKGROUND 25 (2) krasivyj “nice” nominative case krasivom “nice” prepositional case (3) pjat’ “five” nominative case pjat’ju “five” instrumental case (4) ja “I/me” nominative case mne “I/me” dative case Therefore, the universal requirement of Case theory is that overt noun phrases (NPs) are licensed only in the positions to which case is assigned. The principle postulated in Case theory is referred to as the Case filter; it states that every overt noun phrase must be assigned abstract case: “*NP if NP has phonetic content and has no Case” (Chomsky, 1981: 49). Case is assigned by “a category that governs it”, that is, a case assigner. Two principle case assigners are verbs and prepositions, but in some languages case can also be assigned by nouns and adjectives to their complements (Chomsky, 1981). Structural case and inherent case Within Case theory two types of abstract case are distinguished: structural case and inherent case. Because Case theory is one of the ‘modules’ of Universal Grammar, together with other subsystems, some concepts of Case theory are explained through concepts of other theories and vice versa. Structural case assignment is explained in terms of government, and inherent case assignment is looked at in terms of theta-theory (θtheory). Structural case is independent of thematic relations, and it is only subject to structural requirements. In other words, if a structural case assigner governs NP, it can case-mark it irrespective of its thematic relation 4 4 According to Haegeman (1994), “relations between verbs and their arguments are referred to in terms of thematic roles or theta roles (θ-roles)” (Haegeman, 1994: 49). A verb can assign different thematic relations to this NP (Haegeman, 1994). For

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