Ability of the T cell‐replacing polyanion dextran sulfate to trigger the alternate pathway of complement activation

Dextran sulfate (DS) consumed C3 in C4 deficient guinea pig serum. This temperature‐dependent reaction required Mg++ ions and could therefore be blocked by EDTA. Isolated C3 was not influenced by DS, but serum factors were required for C3 consumption. The C3 proactivator as well as C3 were converted to their activated state by DS in guinea pig and human serum, as revealed by immunoelectrophoretical analysis. DS generated anaphylatoxin activity in serum. It is concluded that DS activates C3 via the alternate pathway of complement activation. This potency of the polyanion might serve as a tentative explanation for its T cell‐replacing effect in an antibody‐forming system, which was reported by Diamantstein and his coworkers.