Evaluation of two eco-friendly neutralizers for a spectrum of tissue fixatives for biomedical applications

Formaldehyde is a widely used aldehyde in biomedical applications, including tissue fixation. It is this same fixative property that can result in toxicity if aldehydes are improperly discarded. A proper neutralization of aldehyde waste products can address this, thereby reducing both health and environmental toxicity concerns. In this study two commercially available products designed to neutralize formaldehyde were evaluated, including neutralization of laboratory derived tissue fixative waste. The primary selection criteria for inclusion in the study were: their ease of use (based on product instructions); the two products assert high levels of formaldehyde neutralization (below 20 ppm) relative to other neutralizing products and their lack of generation of polymeric residues that can clog drains. Both products tested were relatively easy to use and both achieved <10 ppm residual levels of formaldehyde from standard formalin and glutaraldehyde preparations used in research and clinical laboratories.