Retrieval of cloud liquid water distributions from a single scanning microwave radiometer aboard a moving platform - Part 1: Field trial results from the Wakasa Bay experiment

Tomographic methods o er a new promise for retrieving three-dimensional distributions of cloud liquid water from path-integrated radiometric measurements by passive sensors. A mobile cloud tomography system using only a single scanning microwave radiometer has many advantages over a fixed system using multiple distinctly-located 5 radiometers, e.g., e cient and flexible data collection. Part 1 (this paper) examines the results from a limited cloud tomography trial carried out during the 2003 AMSR-E validation campaign at Wakasa Bay of the Sea of Japan. During the tomographic test, the Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer (PSR) and Microwave Imaging Radiometer (MIR) aboard the NASA P-3 research aircraft scanned through a system of low-level clouds 10 and thus provided a useful dataset for testing the cloud tomography method. We conduct three retrieval runs with a constrained inversion algorithm using, respectively the PSR, MIR, and combined PSR and MSR data. The liquid water paths calculated from the PSR retrieval are consistent with that from the MIR retrieval. The retrieved cloud field based on the combined data appears to be physically plausible and consistent 15 with the cloud image obtained by a cloud radar. It is unfortunate that there were no in-situ cloud measurements during the experiment that can be used to quantitatively validate the tomographic retrievals. Nevertheless, we find that some vertically-uniform clouds appear at high altitudes in the retrieved fields where the radar image shows clear sky. This is likely due to flawed data collection geometry, which, in turn, is deter20 mined by the radiometer scan strategy, and aircraft altitude and moving speed. This sets the stage for Part 2 of this study that aims at possible improvements of the mobile cloud tomography approach by a group of sensitivity studies using observation system simulation experiments.

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