A prime candidate for detection of low flying targets over the sea surface is high resolution radar with a noncoherent delay line canceller. Fiber optic delay lines are capable of providing the required large timebandwidth (TB) product. Optimum information capacities in the spectral region around 1.3 {\mu} m are estimated theoretically to correspond to timebandwidth products of 10^8 and 10^6 for single-mode (based on 1-nm source spectral width) and graded-index multimode fibers, respectively. Pulse-to-pulse subtraction with 17-dB cancellation has been experimentally demonstrated using a 940- m graded-index multimode fiber as delay line. Higher cancellation ratios are anticipated from the use of wider bandwidth fibers.
R. Bouillie,et al.
Measurements on high-bandwidth optical waveguides
J. Cook.
Minimum impulse response in graded-index fibers
The Bell System Technical Journal.
F. P. Kapron.
Maximum information capacity of fibre-optic waveguides
M. Horiguchi,et al.
Spectral losses of low-OH-content optical fibres
D. Gloge,et al.
Propagation Effects in Optical Fibers
C T Chang.
Minimum dispersion in a single-mode step-index optical fiber.
Applied optics.