초등학생을 위한 기후변화대응 환경디자인 STEAM 교육프로그램 개발 연구
Recent changes in the Korean education policies are promoting the advances in science and technology and cultivating people of convergence talent. STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) educational program is Korean styled convergence program for creative competent human resources. Therefore, Therefore the aim of this study is developing convergence hand-on educational program coping with climate change for elementary school students. For development of the program, we investigated the curriculum of the elementary school about the climate change, and allocated in the creative learning standard frame. Also, we selected themes related the climate change in the curriculum and learning activity. For more effective program to build the convergence competency, we analyzed the program based on creative problem based learning process and 4 core competency(creativity, communication, convergence, caring) elements. In conclusion, the STEAM program needs to develop by school curriculum and leaner’s ability. For elementary school students, the STEAM program consists with creative problem based learning process. And the convergence educational program would analyze by the creative PBL process and convergence competency elements. So, this developing program has brought the promotion of the creative convergence competent talented person for the future global environment.