Dynamic Topology Construction for Road Network

How to maintain topological relationship's real-time updates and maintain dynamic topological relationship, is an important issue must be taken into account in the network analysis model. The topological relationship is very important for the spatial objects in the algorithm of network analysis, especially when add, delete and modify the spatial object geometry and attribute information dynamically. It influences the efficiency of the network analysis algorithm, especially for the dynamical situation. For road network model, the quantity of data is large and refers to a large region. In practical application, the road network data is often changed. The way that stores a topology document is clearly inappropriate. So the dynamic topology construction for road network is considered to meet the application needs. In this way, only geometry and attribute information of spatial object exist in system. Topological relations between space objects are not permanently stored. Or only very limited basis relation data is preserved. Complex topological relations are dynamically generated in accordance with the need when the system runs. This paper put forward two-layer data structure considering dynamic topology, which are data storage layer and dynamic topology layer. And the rapid dynamic topology construction method of road network is put forward based on this two-layer structure. So the problem of road network dynamic topology construction can be solved.