Quel est l’impact de la qualité des documents dans un système de question/réponses?

Objectives: Search queries make use of keywords to produce results, where usually, the user has to search each page for the required answer and frequently, it is difficult to judge the quality of a document on the Internet. This study demonstrates a question answering system (QA system) which can address the above mentioned issues. Design: The QA system was evaluated in two ways during this study; the first studied the effectiveness of the system while the second focused on the quality selection of both HONcode and other websites using the QA system. Measurements: The results were classed by a medical expert as follows: A = relevant, B = lead to an answer, C = not relevant following which, Trec eval was used for the evaluation of our system. Results: Systematic (1) evaluation: 70 out of 100 questions were answered well. Qualitative (2) evaluation: A MAP of 59% and a MRR of 76% was obtained for QAHON_honcode with a set of 100 questions. Conclusion: The results obtained showed that the quality and reliability of the answers obtained by the QA system, is impacted by the trustworthiness of the database used.