Integration of RSM model for optimization of immobilized lipase mediated solvent-free synthesis of flavour ester by genetic algorithm

In the present study, optimization of immobilized lipase mediated solvent-free synthesis of octyl acetate by transesterification has been carried out based on the experimentally validated RSM model. The effect of tansesterification variables namely alcohol molarity, reaction time, temperature, Immobilized lipase amount on molar conversion (%) was investigated. A maximum molar conversion of 92.92% was obtained with the GA parameters of tournament selection of size two, uniform crossover probability (Pc) of 0.5, bit-wise mutational probability (Pm) of 0.0029, population size of 80 and maximum number of generations of 382. The optimal values of the transesterification variables were found to be 2.09 M octanol in vinyl acetate, 12.61 h, 32 °C and 26.01 U for alcohol molarity, reaction time, temperature and amount of Immobilized enzyme respectively.