Human brain activation during sustained and intermittent submaximal fatigue muscle contractions: an FMRI study.

During prolonged submaximal muscle contractions, electromyographic (EMG) signals typically increase as a result of increasing motor unit activities to compensate for fatigue-induced force loss in the muscle. It is thought that cortical signals driving the muscle to higher activation levels also increases, but this has never been experimentally demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to quantify brain activation during submaximal fatigue muscle contractions using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Twelve volunteers performed a sustained handgrip contraction for 225 s and 320 intermittent handgrip contractions ( approximately 960 s) at 30% maximal level while their brain was imaged. For the sustained contraction, EMG signals of the finger flexor muscles increased linearly while the target force was maintained. The fMRI-measured cortical activities in the contralateral sensorimotor cortex increased sharply during the first 150 s, then plateaued during the last 75 s. For the intermittent contractions, the EMG signals increased during the first 660 s and then began to decline, while the handgrip force also showed a sign of decrease despite maximal effort to maintain the force. The fMRI signal of the contralateral sensorimotor area showed a linear rise for most part of the task and plateaued at the end. For both the tasks, the fMRI signals in the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex, prefrontal cortex, cingulate gyrus, supplementary motor area, and cerebellum exhibited steady increases. These results showed that the brain increased its output to reinforce the muscle for the continuation of the performance and possibly to process additional sensory information.

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