Inflammatory Strictures of the Rectum Associated with Venereal Lymphogranuloma.
Although the clinical picture associated with that form of venereal lymphogranuloma occurring mainly in males and resulting in inguinal adenitis has been known since 1913,1it was not until 1927 that Frei2suggested that certain types of benign rectal stricture of unknown cause, together with many strictures thought to be due to tuberculosis, gonorrhea and syphilis, might be manifestations of this same disease. Frei and Koppel3then substantiated this assumption by demonstrating a positive cutaneous reaction to intradermal injections of diluted pus known to contain the virus of venereal lymphogranuloma in a number of their cases of inflammatory stricture of the rectum. Since that time a number of other reports have appeared in the literature confirming their results. ETIOLOGY Certainly all benign strictures of the rectum cannot be attributed to venereal lymphogranuloma; however, many of the etiologic theories suggested in the past are entirely unconvincing. A comprehensive