Electronic Health Book—a unique Czech solution for eHealth

In the last few years, electronic healthcare has become a phenomenon that is being widely discussed by both patients and physicians. The Electronic Health Book(EHB) system, a unique Czech solution for eHealth, is developing dynamically in the Czech Republic. EHB is a highly secure overview of a patient’s health and medical information in electronic form, accessible 24 h a day via the Internet. At the same time, it is a safe environment interconnecting healthcare service providers, patients, and health insurance companies. It serves to transfer medical information between the physician and the patient and amongst physicians. In emergencies, it can help save lives. It significantly improves the quality of care received by patients; at the same time, it improves the efficiency of the care provided and allows for savings throughout the healthcare delivery process. Thanks to its comprehensiveness and immediate accessibility, the system is very highly rated in the European Union, which has chosen it as its reference project. The EHB system is a unique patented service that was registered in 2002 with the Industrial Property Office under patent No. 297 879 “Method of compiling, recording, and retrieving information about healthcare and healthcare results, and its use”.