Master author index

[1]  R. Schnabel,et al.  Stimulation by silybin, a eukaryotic feature of archaebacterial RNA polymerases , 1982 .

[2]  V. Parnaik,et al.  Mechanism of chain initiation by dextransucrase , 1982 .

[3]  R. Schopf,et al.  Transglutaminase and polyamine dependence of effector functions of human immunocompetent cells , 1982, FEBS letters.

[4]  Ana-Maria Gonzalez,et al.  Regulation of pathways of glucose metabolism in kidney , 1982, FEBS letters.

[5]  M. Yamada,et al.  Translocation of colicin E1 through cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli , 1982, FEBS letters.

[6]  V. Sasisekharan,et al.  Conformational flexibility of DNA: an extension of the stereochemical guidelines , 1982, FEBS letters.

[7]  J. Gutteridge,et al.  The role of superoxide and hydroxyl radicals in phospholipid peroxidation catalysed by iron salts , 1982, FEBS letters.

[8]  P. Sunkara,et al.  An essential role for polyamines in tumor metastases , 1982, FEBS letters.

[9]  R. Crichton,et al.  Transferrin protein and iron uptake by cultured hepatocytes , 1982, FEBS letters.

[10]  S. del Valle-Tascón,et al.  ATP synthesis with single turnover flashes in spinach chloroplasts , 1982 .

[11]  Robert J.P. Williams,et al.  The nature of local chemical potentials , 1982 .

[12]  B. Lewis,et al.  Effects of heparin infusion on plasma lipoproteins in subjects with lipoprotein lipase deficiency , 1982, FEBS letters.

[13]  S. M. Martin,et al.  NdeI: a restriction endonuclease from Neisseria denitrificans which cleaves DNA at 5′‐CATATG‐3′ sequences , 1982, FEBS letters.

[14]  G. Lindblom,et al.  Cubic liquid crystalline phase with phosphatidyl‐ethanolamine from Bacillus megaterium containing branched acyl chains , 1982 .

[15]  D. Siefermann-Harms,et al.  Reconstitution by monogalactosyldiacylglycerol of energy transfer from light‐harvesting chlorophyll a/b‐protein complex to the photosystems in Triton X‐100‐solubilized thylakoids , 1982 .

[16]  J. Gutteridge,et al.  Adriamycin‐dependent damage to deoxyribose: a reaction involving iron, hydroxyl and semiquinone free radicals , 1982 .

[17]  A. Panet,et al.  Activation of ribonuclease F by the two isomers (2'–5') oligoadenylate and (3'–5') oligoadenylate , 1982, FEBS letters.

[18]  C. Haselberger,et al.  Evidence for erythrocyte membrane glycoproteins being carriers of blood‐group P1 determinants , 1982, FEBS letters.

[19]  A. Paszczynski,et al.  A simple method of affinity chromatography for the purification of glucoamylase obtained from Aspergillus niger C , 1982, FEBS letters.

[20]  C. Gespach,et al.  Histamine interaction on surface recognition sites of H2‐type in parietal and non‐parietal cells isolated from the guinea pig stomach , 1982, FEBS letters.

[21]  R. Hähnel,et al.  Requirement for a reduced sulphydryl entity in the protection of molybdate‐stabilized estrogen receptor , 1982, FEBS letters.

[22]  S. Sarkar,et al.  Correlation between the protein and mRNA levels for myosin light chains and tropomyosin subunits during chick fast muscle development in vivo , 1982, FEBS letters.

[23]  P. Kelly,et al.  Induction of β‐casein mRNA accumulation by the putative prolactin second messenger added to the culture medium of cultured mammary epithelial cells , 1982 .

[24]  V. Slezáriková,et al.  The presence of alkali‐labile sites in DNA daughter chains of UV‐irradiated Escherichia coli , 1982, FEBS letters.

[25]  M. Spiess,et al.  N‐terminal sequences of pig intestinal sucrase—isomaltase and pro‐sucrase—isomaltase , 1982, FEBS letters.

[26]  D. Jordan,et al.  Biochemical and genetic analysis of an RuBP carboxylase/oxygenase‐deficient mutant and revertants of Chlamydomonas reinhardii , 1982 .

[27]  C. Thaller,et al.  Crystallization and preliminary X‐ray crystallographic data of the bifunctional enzyme phosphoribosyl‐anthranilate isomerase—indole‐3‐glycerol‐phosphate synthase from Escherichia coli , 1982 .

[28]  W. Zumft,et al.  A novel kind of multi‐copper protein as terminal oxidoreductase of nitrous oxide respiration in Pseudomonas perfectomarinus , 1982 .

[29]  P. Rich,et al.  Reconstitution of cytochrome bc 1 complex into lipid vesicles and the restoration of uncoupler sensitivity , 1982, FEBS letters.

[30]  D. Gurari-Rotman The involvement of calmodulin in interferon induction , 1982, FEBS letters.

[31]  E. Shephard,et al.  Synthesis of rat muscle carbonic anhydrase III in a cell‐free translation system , 1982, FEBS letters.

[32]  A. Jimenez,et al.  The mode of action of the antitumor drug bouvardin, an inhibitor of protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells , 1982, FEBS letters.

[33]  P. Cohen,et al.  Identification of a calmodulin‐dependent glycogen synthase kinase in rabbit skeletal muscle, distinct from phosphorylase kinase , 1982, FEBS letters.

[34]  R. Bicknell,et al.  Inhibition by dopamine of 86Rb efflux and hormone secretion from bovine anterior pituitary cells perifused in the presence of acetylcholine or TRH , 1982, FEBS letters.

[35]  Y. Shalitin,et al.  The interaction of acetylcholinesterase with carbodiimides , 1982, FEBS letters.

[36]  R. Stocker,et al.  Involvement of calcium, calmodulin and phospholipase A in the alteration of membrane dynamics and superoxide production of human neutrophils stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate , 1982, FEBS letters.

[37]  G. Robillard,et al.  Non‐vectorial phosphorylation by the bacterial PEP‐dependent phosphotransferase system is an artifact of spheroplast and membrane vesicle preparation procedures , 1982, FEBS letters.

[38]  H. Söling,et al.  Calmodulin carboxylmethyl ester formation in intact human red cells and modulation of this reaction by divalent cations in vitro , 1982, FEBS letters.

[39]  M. Müller,et al.  Characteristics of an ATP‐dependent proteolytic system of rat liver mitochondria , 1982, FEBS letters.

[40]  M. Grunberg‐Manago,et al.  International symposium on translational/transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Highlights of the Fogarty International Center Meeting held in Bethesda, Maryland on 7-9 April, 1982. , 1982, FEBS Letters.

[41]  G. Vriend,et al.  Swelling of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus studied by proton nuclear magnetic resonance , 1982 .

[42]  V. Skulachev The dual role of rhodopsin in vision: light‐driven charge translocation and formation of long‐lived photoproducts , 1982 .

[43]  W. Wörner,et al.  Kirromycin‐resistant elongation factor Tu from wild‐type of Lactobacillus brevis , 1982, FEBS letters.

[44]  R. Mellgren,et al.  Isolation of a heat‐stable protein activator of phosphorylase phosphatase , 1982, FEBS letters.

[45]  E. Harris,et al.  The effect of superoxide generation on the ability of mitochondria to take up and retain Ca2+ , 1982, FEBS letters.

[46]  G. Ville,et al.  Biochemical properties and immunolocalization of minor collagens in foetal calf cartilage , 1982, FEBS letters.

[47]  K. Dill,et al.  Preferential sulfoxidation of the methionine residues of glycophorin A , 1982 .

[48]  J. Amesz,et al.  Photoaccumulation of reduced primary electron acceptors of photosystem I of photosynthesis , 1982 .

[49]  M. Dussaillant,et al.  Rapid inhibition by somatostatin of vasoactive intestinal peptide‐induced prolactin secretion by rat pituitary cells , 1982, FEBS letters.

[50]  R. Timpl,et al.  Binding of the basement membrane protein laminin to Escherichia coli , 1982, FEBS Letters.

[51]  J. Giacobino,et al.  Decreased guanine nuleotide binding and reduced equivalent production by brown adipose tissue in hypothalamic obesity , 1982, FEBS letters.

[52]  D. Kyriakidis,et al.  Superinduction of cytosolic and chromatin‐bound ornithine decarboxylase activities of germinating barley seeds by actinomycin D , 1982 .

[53]  A photo‐CIDNP investigation of tyrosine mobility and exposure in human β‐endorphin in the presence of phospholipid micelles , 1982 .

[54]  M. Stitt,et al.  On a possible role of fructose 2,6‐bisphosphate in regulating photosynthetic metabolism in leaves , 1982 .

[55]  Y. Shahak The role of Mg2+ in the light activation process of the H+‐ATPase in intact chloroplasts , 1982 .

[56]  S. Zanetti,et al.  Role of phosphatidylethanolamine methylation in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine by hepatocytes isolated from choline‐deficient rats , 1982, FEBS letters.

[57]  Hiroshi Yamamoto,et al.  Poly(ADP‐ribose) synthetase inhibitors enhance streptozotocin‐induced killing of insulinoma cells by inhibiting the repair of DNA strand breaks , 1982, FEBS letters.

[58]  G. Vriend,et al.  Mobility involved in protein—RNA interaction in spherical plant viruses, studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy , 1982 .

[59]  S. Papa,et al.  On the inhibition of the bc 1 segment on the mitochondrial respiratory chain by quinone analogues and hydroxyquinoline derivatives , 1982, FEBS letters.

[60]  V. Shepelev,et al.  Stoichiometry and kinetics of complex formation by the recA protein and a double‐stranded DNA , 1982, FEBS letters.

[61]  G. Gregoriadis,et al.  Is half‐life of circulating liposomes determined by changes in their permeability? , 1982, FEBS letters.

[62]  Y. Blouquit,et al.  A new silent hemoglobin variant in a black family from French West Indies , 1982, FEBS letters.

[63]  R. Stocker,et al.  Increased fluorescence polarization of 1,6‐diphenyl‐1,3,5‐hexatriene in the phorbol myristate acetate‐stimulated plasma membrane of human neutrophils , 1982, FEBS letters.

[64]  A. Suzuki,et al.  Activating effect of destomycin A on adenylate cyclase from several animal tissues , 1982, FEBS letters.

[65]  J. Dumont,et al.  Epidermal growth factor controls the proliferation and the expression of differentiation in canine thyroid cells in primary culture , 1982, FEBS letters.

[66]  K. Gain,et al.  The activation of glycogen synthase in hepatocytes from rats with a glycogen storage disorder (gsd/gsd) , 1982, FEBS letters.

[67]  M. Speth,et al.  Accessibility of glucose 6‐phosphate: phosphohydrolase to antibody attack in modified microsomal vesicles , 1982, FEBS letters.

[68]  M. Sumper,et al.  The occurrence of different sulphated cell surface glycoproteins correlates with defined developmental events in Volvox , 1982 .

[69]  G. Reiser,et al.  Strychnine and local anesthetics block ion channels activated by veratridine in neuroblastoma × glioma hybrid cells , 1982, FEBS letters.

[70]  J. Tocanne,et al.  Choline and acetylcholine induce interdigitation of hydrocarbon chains in dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol lamellar phase with stiff chains , 1982, FEBS letters.

[71]  M. Erecińska,et al.  Binding of the intramitochondrial ADP and its relationship to adenine nucleotide translocation , 1982, FEBS letters.

[72]  S. Grisolía,et al.  Scope of the ATP—ubiquitin system for intracellular protein degradation , 1982, FEBS letters.

[73]  M. Houslay,et al.  The thermodependence of the activity of integral enzymes in liver plasma membranes , 1982, FEBS letters.

[74]  J. Hagmann,et al.  Inhibition of calmodulin‐stimulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase by the insecticide DDT , 1982, FEBS letters.

[75]  L. P. Gavrilova,et al.  Factor‐free and one‐factor‐promoted poly(U,C)‐dependent synthesis of polypeptides in cell‐free systems from Escherichia coli , 1982, FEBS letters.

[76]  M. Stitt,et al.  Light activation of calvin cycle enzymes as measured in pea leaves , 1982 .

[77]  S. Perry,et al.  Two forms of the P light chain of myosin in rabbit and bovine hearts , 1982, FEBS letters.

[78]  U. Schreiber,et al.  ATP‐induced absorbance changes around 515 nm following light‐activation of the latent ATP‐hydrolase in intact chloroplasts , 1982 .

[79]  Y. Denkins,et al.  Rapid stimulation of Na+,K+‐ATPase by glucagon, epinephrine, vasopressin and cAMP in perfused rat liver , 1982 .

[80]  R. Sundler Agglutination of glycolipid—phospholipid vesicles by concanavalin A , 1982 .