The Inverted Classroom in Introductory Calculus: Best Practices and Potential Benefits for the Preparation of Engineers

Robert Talbert is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan USA. He was previously on the faculty at Bethel College (Indiana) from 1997– 2001 and Franklin College from 2001–2011. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from Vanderbilt University, where he was a Master Teaching Fellow for the Center for Teaching and received the B.F. Bryant Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Robert’s main scholarly interests lie in the scholarship of teaching and learning, especially at the intersection of mathematics, teaching, and technology. He is particularly interested in the inverted or ”flipped” classroom model and how this model can solve pedagogical problems in the STEM disciplines related to concept acquisition and self-regulated learning behaviors. Robert’s website – with information about teaching, scholarship and service – is at He goes by @RobertTalbert on Twitter and blogs for the Chronicle of Higher Education at Casting Out Nines, located at Robert lives with his wife and three young children in Allendale, Michigan.