Exploration of the Open Source Software Community

The OSS community can be considered as a complex, self-organizing system. These systems are typically comprised of large numbers of locally interacting elements. Developers are main components in this network. The interaction between developers forms a collaborative social network. Study of the roles of developers and their activities can help us determine the development of projects. In this paper, we perform a quantitative analysis of Open Source Software developers by studying the whole developer community at SourceForge. Our research provides topological and evolutionary statistics for the OSS developer social network, which is helpful to understand the OSS phenomenon. Our work shows that OSS developer network is a scale free network. Contact: Jin Xu Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN46556 Tel: 1-574-631-7596 Fax: 1-574-631-9260 Email: jxu1@nd.edu