The Effects of Weather on Migraine Frequency

Weather is regularly identified as a significant trigger of migraine attacks. increasing the intensity of a n attack in progress. research has previously reviewed the e f f e c t s of weather on migraine. This research has suggested tha t a rapid fal l of a tmospheric pressure is the most f requent ly cited weather trigger for migraine headaches. Other identified triggers include s t rong winds, hot weather , cold weather , thunderstorms, bright sunshine, and seasonal changes. However, t he conclusion resul ts of over 15 years of research have been consistent t he e f f e c t s of weather on migraine. A previous s tudy by one of t he authors (Nursall), revealed no relationship between migraine attacks and atmospheric pressure. However, attack frequency did increase with elevations in humidity and t e m p e r a t u r e . It has also been determined to be a fac tor in Significant