Optimal control of a crop irrigation model under water scarcity

We consider a simple crop irrigation model and study the optimal control which consists of maximizing the biomass production at harvesting time. A specificity of this work is to impose a quota on the water used for irrigation, in a context of limited resources. The model is written as a 2d non-autonomous dynamical system with a state constraint, and a non-smooth right member given by threshold-based soil and crop water stress functions. We show that when the water quota is below the threshold giving the largest possible production, the optimal strategy consists of irrigating once. We then show that the optimal solution can have one or several singular arcs, and therefore be better than simple bang-bang controls, as commonly used. The gains over the best bang-bang controls are illustrated on numerical simulations. These new feedback controls that we obtain are a promising first step towards the concrete application of control theory to the problem of optimal irrigation scheduling under water scarcity.

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