The neuroimaging of long-term memory encoding processes.

There needs to be more crosstalk between the lesion and functional neuroimaging memory literatures. This is illustrated by a discussion of episode and fact encoding. The lesion literature suggests several hypotheses about which brain regions underlie the storage of episode and fact information, which can be explored by functional neuroimaging. These hypotheses have been underexplored because neuroimaging studies of encoding have been insufficiently hypothesis-driven and have not controlled encoding-related processes sufficiently well to allow clear interpretations of results to be made. Nevertheless, there is good evidence that certain kinds of associative encoding and/or consolidation are sufficient to activate the medial temporal lobes, and preliminary evidence that some kinds of associative priming may reduce activation of this region. It remains to be proved that attentional orienting to certain kinds of novel information activates the medial temporal lobes. Evidence is growing that the HERA model, developed from neuroimaging rather than lesion data, requires modification and that frontal cortex encoding activations are probably caused by executive processes that are important in effortful memory processing. Neuroimaging studies allow the detection of encoding-related activations in previously unexpected brain regions (e.g. parietal lobes) and, in turn, these findings can be explored with lesion studies.

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