Integrating GPS/INS and adaptive monopulse MUSIC for position location

Radar position estimation from target signals suffers from main-beam jamming. One way to counteract the problem is to integrate data from multiple sensors. An adaptive monopulse Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm discerns the azimuth and elevation angle estimation or true spectrum amongst jamming, but relying solely on the algorithm results in an undesirable position location and navigation error. By integrating the azimuth and elevation signals from an Integrated Navigational System (INS) with monopulse radar and referencing the position to a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, accurate positional location results. The paper describes a locating algorithm designed for navigation by integrating sensor signals from a GPS receiver for position estimation, an INS system,which has repeated measurement location updates from a ground-based target, and a four-aperture monopulse radar, which adaptively reduces main-beam jamming from the MUSIC algorithm for reliable angle estimation The results show that the sensor integration algorithm effectively and efficiently identifies the correct positional information.