The Higher Education Manager's Handbook: Effective Leadership and Management in Universities and Colleges

Introduction: Chapter 1 Knowing Your Environment Chapter 2 Knowing Your Institution Chapter 3 Leading Your Area Chapter 4 Leading by Example Chapter 5 Managing for high performance Chapter 6 Developing staff Chapter 7 Celebrating Diversity Chapter 8 Managing change Chapter 9Managing up and managing the "down-side" Chapter 10 Managing YourselfThe 2nd edition contents outline would then be as follows: TOC with New sections for 2/e outlined: Introduction: the challenge for HE managers Chapter 1 Knowing Your Environment New section: The Key Strategic Challenges for HE Chapter 2 Knowing Your Institution New sections include: The governance of HEIs The business-facing university The community university Chapter 3 Leading Your Area New sections include: Fostering research excellence Fostering teaching excellence Enhancing the student experience Chapter 4 Leading by example New sections include: Managing your budget Recruiting and selecting staff Chapter 5 Managing for high performance Chapter 6 Developing staff New sections include: Celebrating Diversity Internationalisation New! Chapter 7 Celebrating Diversity The Case for Diversity Institution-wide Approaches to Diversity-What works? Using Your Difference to Make a Difference Embracing Diversity Chapter 8 Managing change Chapter 9 Managing up and managing the "down-side" New section: Managing your reputation Handling complaints, discipline and grievances Managing redundancies Managing in a Crisis Chapter 10 Managing Yourself