It has earlicr been demonstrated that glucose uptake in rat diaphragm is inhibited by sera from schizophrenics (WALAAS, LINGJBRDE et al. 1954). This effect could be attributed to an inhibitory effect by a,-globulin fraction from sera of these patients on glucose uptake in rat diaphragm. (HAAVALDSEN, LINGJBRDE & WALAAS, 1958). I n extensive studies FROHMAN, GOTTLIEB, BECKETT and coworkers a t The Lafayette Clinic, Detroit, have shown that a,-globulin fractions from sera of schizophrenics influences glycolysis of chicken erythrocytes (FROHMAN, GOODMAN, BECKETT, LATHAM, SENF & GOTTLIEB, 1962). I n the present communication it has been reported that prealbumin isolated on starch block electrophoresis from sera of schizophrenic and other psychotic patients influences the metabolism of rat diaphragm. It has been shown that prealbumin from these patients markedly inhibits glycogen synthesis, incorporation of 1%-glucose into glycogen and incorporation of 14C-phenylalanin in proteins of rat diaphragm. This means that the abnormal serum prealbumin inhibits glycogen synthesis as well as protein synthesis in vitro. No such effects of serum prealbumin from normal individuals have been observed. The abnormal multimetabolic effects of prealbumin to a great extent disappeared upon treatment of the patients with chlorpromazine. We consider the abnormalities in serum protein fractions which have been demonstrated may be responsible for abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism seen in schizophrenia (LINGJXRDE, 1964), and may also be related to psychotic exacerbations in the disease. A report on these investigations will appear elsewhere.

[1]  R. Senf,et al.  THE ISOLATION OF AN ACTIVE FACTOR FROM SERUM OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS * , 1962, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

[2]  O. Walaas,et al.  Disturbances of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Schizophrenics , 1958 .

[3]  O. Lingjaerde,et al.  The effect of sera from schizophrenic patients on glucose utilization of the isolated rat diaphragm. , 1954, Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation.