Moody Tunes: The Rockanango Project

Wouldnt it be nice if we had a tool that could offer peo- ple the right music for a specific time and place? For HORECA (hotel, restaurants and cafes) businesses, provid- ing appropriate music is often not just nice, but essential. Typically this boils down to music that matches a certain situation on desired atmospheres, this will be defined as a musical context (MC). The developed tool, a music player, meeting the specific needs of HORECA, allows creation and management of those contexts. The user creates a mu- sical context by selecting a number of appropriate atmos- pheres and can fine-tune the context with additional musi- cal properties. The atmospheres are defined by a group of music experts, composed of DJs, music teachers, musi- cians, etc., who also manually annotate the properties of all musical content. To assist the music experts, a specially developed tool allows them to categorise and annotate the songs and evaluate their results. We provide insight on how we constructed and implemented our metadata schema and look at some existing schemas. The evaluation shows the economic value of such a system in the specific context of a HORECA business.