The Role of eye movements in perceptual processes

Preface. Acknowledgements. Contributors. Chapters: Visual Direction Constancy: Perceiving The Visual Direction Of Perisaccadic Flashes (W.A. Hershberger, J.S. Jordan). Contextual Factors In Scene Perception (H. Intraub). Eye Movements And Perceptual Multistability (M.A. Garcia-Perez). The Role Of Eye Movements In Reading: Some Limitations Of The Eye-Mind Assumption (G. Underwood, J. Everatt). Saccadic Suppression: A Functional Viewpoint (E. Chekaluk, K.R. Llewellyn). Mechanisms Underlying Saccadic Suppression in Specifically Disabled And Normal Readers (W. Lovegrove). Response Characteristics of Midbrain Neurons Related to Vergence Eye Movements (J.W. Morley). Eye Movements: Developmental Aspects (S.L. Shea). Subject Index. Author Index.