To meet the demands of the challenging world and th e era of globalisation, the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC), Malaysia has revised the English language syl labus for primary and secondary schools in 2002. To fulfil the aims of the syllabus, the Textbook Division was giv en the responsibility to come out with new textbook s in 2003. The purpose of this paper is to review the previous syl labus and the revised syllabus. It also aims to exa mine how the syllabuses are translated in the Form Four textbook s. Three instruments were employed in this study. T hey were the curriculum review checklist, the evaluation checkli st and two KBSM Form Four textbooks. Results of the curriculum review show that the revised syllabus has a higher mean value compared to the previous syllabus. The findings provide evidence that the revised syllabus has achieved the overall goal and objectives in the KBSM. Overall, t he new textbook reflected the three components (language use, langu age content and educational emphases) as highlighte d in the revised syllabus. The exercises for the language co ntent catered to the three different levels of students as demanded by the syllabus. As for the aesthetic component, all literary elements for the suggested text for Form F our were well discussed and the tasks given were appropriate. Th inking skills, one of the elements of Educational E mphases has quite an even distribution of activities. In conclusion, the implications of this paper indicate that the r evised syllabus for Form Four was well translated into the new textbook .
D. Ball,et al.
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What Do We Want Teaching Materials for
Robert O'Neill,et al.
Why use textbooks
H Ansary,et al.
Universal characteristics of EFL/ESL textbooks: A step towards systematic textbook evaluation
Robert M. Diamond,et al.
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B. Tomlinson,et al.
Evaluating and selecting EFL teaching materials
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The Textbook as Agent of Change.