In this work, to identify effective parameter for performance of piezoelectric jetting dispenser, experimental investigation is carried out based on design of experiment. After preparing jetting dispenser using two stack-type piezoelectric actuators, basic working principle of the jetting dispenser is described. Eight operating conditions are chose as main factors and it is assumed that each factor has two levels. To reduce number of experiments for performance evaluation, the experimental sets are designed based on factional factorial design method. Experimental setup is established and the weight of single dot is measured by using precision scale. The main and interaction effects of factors are analyzed using commercial statistical program and optimal operating condition for small amount and small variation of weight of dispensed single dot are determined.
Seung-Bok Choi,et al.
Design and Control of Jetting Dispenser Driven by Piezoelectric Actuator
X.B. Chen,et al.
Modeling of positive-displacement fluid dispensing processes
IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing.
Seung-Bok Choi,et al.
Performance Characteristics of High Speed Jetting Dispenser Using Piezoactuator
Seung-Bok Choi,et al.
Design of a New Dispensing System Featuring Piezoelectric Actuator
Seung-Bok Choi,et al.
Design and performance evaluation of a new jetting dispenser system using two piezostack actuators