Invited review: Reproducible research from noisy data: Revisiting key statistical principles for the animal sciences.

Reproducible results define the very core of scientific integrity in modern research. Yet, legitimate concerns have been raised about the reproducibility of research findings, with important implications for the advancement of science and for public support. With statistical practice increasingly becoming an essential component of research efforts across the sciences, this review article highlights the compelling role of statistics in ensuring that research findings in the animal sciences are reproducible-in other words, able to withstand close interrogation and independent validation. Statistics set a formal framework and a practical toolbox that, when properly implemented, can recover signal from noisy data. Yet, misconceptions and misuse of statistics are recognized as top contributing factors to the reproducibility crisis. In this article, we revisit foundational statistical concepts relevant to reproducible research in the context of the animal sciences, raise awareness on common statistical misuse undermining it, and outline recommendations for statistical practice. Specifically, we emphasize a keen understanding of the data generation process throughout the research endeavor, from thoughtful experimental design and randomization, through rigorous data analysis and inference, to careful wording in communicating research results to peer scientists and society in general. We provide a detailed discussion of core concepts in experimental design, including data architecture, experimental replication, and subsampling, and elaborate on practical implications for proper elicitation of the scope of reach of research findings. For data analysis, we emphasize proper implementation of mixed models, in terms of both distributional assumptions and specification of fixed and random effects to explicitly recognize multilevel data architecture. This is critical to ensure that experimental error for treatments of interest is properly recognized and inference is correctly calibrated. Inferential misinterpretations associated with use of P-values, both significant and not, are clarified, and problems associated with error inflation due to multiple comparisons and selective reporting are illustrated. Overall, we advocate for a responsible practice of statistics in the animal sciences, with an emphasis on continuing quantitative education and interdisciplinary collaboration between animal scientists and statisticians to maximize reproducibility of research findings.

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