Student perceptions of web based lecture recording technologies

Four IRUA universities - Macquarie University, Murdoch University, Flinders University and the University of Newcastle - have been collaborating on a project funded by the Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. This project investigates the impact of web based lecture recording technologies on current and future practice in learning and teaching. The project aims are to identify: how web based lecture recording technology is being integrated into the curriculum, and its role and relationship with other elements within the curriculum; how the technology can effectively support learning and teaching in different contexts, taking into account disciplinary differences, student diversity, specific teaching aims and learning outcomes; and the educational implications of its use for: the design and delivery of curricula academics and their teaching students, their learning and the establishment of effective learning environments professional development of academic staff academic policies and practices. A multi-level research program is underway to investigate these questions, initially surveying students on their experiences in the use of web based lecture technologies. Subsequent stages will involve a staff survey, follow up interviews with students, the development of vignettes with staff about concerns they may have, and several case studies developing innovative ways of using these technologies. This presentation focuses on the first stage of this project, a student survey focussing on pedagogical rather than technical aspects of web based lecture technology use. Preliminary results of the student survey, involving more than 750 responses from students in four universities, will be presented in this session.