Classical mechanics : an undergraduate text
Part I. Newtonian Mechanics of a Single Particle: 1. The algebra and calculus of vectors 2. Velocity, acceleration and scalar angular velocity 3. Newton's laws of motion and the law of gravitation 4. Problems in particle dynamics 5. Linear oscillations 6. Energy conservation 7. Orbits in a central field 8. Non-linear oscillations and phase space Part II. Multi-particle Systems: 9. The energy principle 10. The linear momentum principle 11. The angular momentum principle Part III. Analytical mechanics: 12. Lagrange's equations and conservation principle 13. The calculus of variations and Hamilton's principle 14. Hamilton's equations and phase space Part IV. Further Topics: 15. The general theory of small oscillations 16. Vector angular velocity and rigid body kinematics 17. Rotating reference frames 18. Tensor algebra and the inertia tensor 19. Problems in rigid body dynamics Appendix: centres of mass and moments of inertia Answers to the problems Bibliography Index.