Word order in discourse

1. List of abbreviations 2. Word order in discourse: By way of introduction (by Downing, Pamela A.) 3. What are discourse principles made of? (by Cowan, Ron) 4. Agent position in the Sejarah Melayu (by Cumming, Susanna) 5. Preverbal nominals in Colville-Okanagan (by Darnell, Michael) 6. Frequency and pragmatically unmarked word order (by Dryer, Matthew S.) 7. Subject-verb word order and the function of early position (by Harold, Bruce B.) 8. Focus position in SOV languages (by Herring, Susan C.) 9. Word order at the noun phrase level in Japanese: quantifier constructions and discourse functions (by Kim, Alan Hyun-Oak) 10. WH-clefs and left-dislocation in English conversation: cases of topicalization (by Kim, Kyu-hyun) 11. Pragmatic relations and word order in Chinese (by LaPolla, Randy J.) 12. Left shifts in strongly VSO languages (by Longacre, Robert E.) 13. The pragmatics of verb initial sentences in some ancient Indo-European languages (by Luraghi, Silvia) 14. Morphological and prosodic forces shaping word order (by Mithun, Marianne) 15. The word order of two-constituent constructions in spoken Spanish (by Ocampo, Francisco) 16. Verb initial languages and information order (by Payne, Doris L.) 17. On the discourse function of possessor movement in Emai prose narratives (by Schaefer, Ronald P.) 18. Focal attention, voice, and word order: an experimental, cross-linguistic study (by Tomlin, Russell S.) 19. Noun incorporation and object placement in discourse: the case of Guarani (by Velazquez-Castillo, Maura) 20. Subject Index 21. Author Index