Efficient Vitrification Process for Stoker-type MSW Incinerator (Integrated Ash-melting with Stoker-type Incinerator)
Vitrification process environmentally contribute to volume reduction and detoxification of residues such as bottom ash and fly ash from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration, and recycle them as resources which can help to mitigate shortage of landfill capacity. The vitrification system however, makes heavy use of thermal energy to gain high temterature for ash melting. While recently the gasification and melting system plant that the energy consumption is reduced by using the waste heat value on it's own has come into action, a great number of conventional plants consist of stoker type incinerator and ash melting furnace are expected to reduce the energy consumption. A pratical study of integrated ash-melting process into solid waste incinerator to gain the energy efficiency was conducted at 105t/d MSW stoker-type incineration plant, which had achieved stable low air-ratio combustion previously. The test demonstrated that the integrated ash melting system was available for practical use with no adverse affect on the combustibility of incinerator and that the energy efficiency was improved overall.