Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasismasalah untuk peningkatan capaian kompetensi fisika umum II mahasiswa prodi pendidikan fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Medan
The main objective of this research is to construct problem based student activities sheet for Advance General Physics. Research and Development method is used in this research. However, Dick and Carey model is used for constructing learning devices. This research is implementation of research based learning and problem solve strategy concepts. There are three steps in this research; planning, building, and formative evaluating. In formative evaluation is divided by three part; validation test by three reviewers, one-one test by three students, small group test by 15 students. Result of this research is problem based student activities sheet for advance general physics set in 10
components; they are (a) activity title, (b) learning goal, (c) problems, (d) hypothesis, (e) data collection, (f) discussion, (g) conclusion, (h) references, (i) attachment, and (j) competency test. In addition, the result of implementing student activities sheet and supporting learning device can give good assessment This means that this problem based of student activrty sheets can be used for improving advance general physics learning.