Automatically Speed Cameras (ATSC) - Effects on Car Drives Speed Behaviour & Road Safety
The general conclusions of speed behaviors studies, based on before and after studies at 40 test sites, are that the ATSC (Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control system) has positive effects on car drivers speed behavior in view point of traffic safety. For examples, on roads in direction towards the ATSC after implantations of ATSC the average speed has decreased as follows: Roads with speed limits of 50 km/h: from 55,4 to 48,6 km/h (all vehicles -12,3%). Roads with speed limits of 70 km/h: from 74,1 to 64,9 km/h (all vehicles -12,4%). Roads with speed limits of 90 km/h: from 87,7 to 81,5 km/h (all vehicles -7,0%). The results obtained indicate that Argus II reduce the number of fatalities by ca 25-30% and the number of DSS (fatalities or severely injured) by ca 20%. These results have not been fully statistically verified, the probable explanation for which is that the statistical accident material, regarding the number killed, is still quite small. Compared with the power model, the results appear reasonable, given that the mean speeds on all ATSC sections have decreased by ca 6%.