Miniaturized Four Port MIMO Antenna System for 5G mm-Wave Applications

This manuscript proposed a compact four-element multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna system for wireless communication. The proposed antenna design is well suited for 5G application band (mm-Wave). The 4 x 4 MIMO antenna with overall compact size 8x8x0.254 m3 provides good impedance matching at an operating frequency of 26 GHz and high bandwidth (from 23.3 to 32.1 GHz) on Rogers 5880 (εr=2.2, δ= 0.0009, h= 0.254). The MIMO performance parameters like Envelope Correction Coefficient (ECC), Directivity Gain (DG), and Total Active Reflection Coefficient (TARC) are in their bearable range, this certifies that the device is a suitable candidate for the mm-Wave wireless application.